Exotic BioNaturals
Comments 20 Tags biryani, bouillabaisse, chicken, cuisine, paella, recipe, recipes, risotto
Saffron has been used since antiquity for its culinary & medicinal benefits of aroma, flavor & health. You can pretty much add tiny amounts of Saffron to any of your cooking comprising of soups, souffles, stew, sauces, rice dishes, juices & cold-hot drinks. It will give further-more aroma, deep gold-yellow color and flavor. Buy 100% Pure, Organically Grown, All Red Sargol Saffron from www.exoticbionaturals.com Below is the compilation of world class carefully curated saffron infused recipes for food lovers of this exotic spice to try: Click on the topic text for a video/text recipe Middle Eastern( Iranian, Moroccan, Persian ) Soups...